EW NDI problem in OBS

Today i just update easyworship After that the NDI input at OBS cannot detect EW presence. After I install with previous version, it solved. Please check soon this version

3 people have this question

Basically, by 7.1.4. Version no problem. Please note it
Yes sure

Do you have EasyWorship and OBS on the same computer?

I have the exact same issue. Need to fix it ASAP please

Hi, I have the same problem. Once I open the the OBS, then to the NDI, there's no NDI source (from EW7) detected on the dropdown selection.


I already installed the latest NDI tools, but still doesnt work.

hi Terry,

OK, i will try it after christmas service done. Temporarily i will use previous version of EW


Make sure that you have install the most up to date NDI tools from this link NDI TOOLS

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