Easy Worship with Atem mini pro

I have easy worship on one systsem but I livestream from another pc, i want to be able to show scriptures while livestreaming with atem min pro

Here is a video on how to set up the ATEM MINI PRO with EasyWorship https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZsmMe99-ePw

Thanks for sharing this video. However, Can I use a HDMI splitter out from the PC to the blackmagic extreme as easyworship Key and fill?  One will be use as KEY and other FILL as you mentioned in the video.  Wasn't sure they had to be separate HDMI cables from PC to Blackmagic extreme. geometry dash lite

My concern is that the data does not clarify whether the two PCs are networked or connected in any way. It does not mention how the current EasyWorship output is displayed or whether they are shared with the streaming PC. planet clicker

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