Configuration help

Our church just purchased a PTZOptics-20x-SDI-Gen 2 for living streaming to YouTube and FaceBook. I have to integrate this with a Yamaha TF 5 digital mixing board and Easyworship 7. The gentleman that started this project passed in November and I’ve been tasked with carrying on. The biggest question is, can I stream to YT and FB simultaneously while using lyrics and scripture from Easyworship? And the next question would be, what would be the best way (cabling) to bring them all together? Not out of my depth, but could use any and all advice! Thank you.

VMix and Wirecast can stream to multiple platforms at the same time, but you need a lot more processing power in the computer and considerably more upload bandwidth to do so. If you upload to two sources you would need at least double the upload bandwidth that you would to one. That is why services like REstream, castr, etc. are so popular. You upload a single stream and they push it out to all of the different platforms.

You will have to send EW to some streaming option like OBS of VMIX. I think with OBS it only goes to one at a time unless you are using REstream.  I am not %100 sure on Vmix but I think you can do both at the same time but that is something you will need to verify. 

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