easy worship water mark

I have installed easy worship on a new computer and the easy worship watermark stays on the live screen.  I cannot get it to go away

3 people have this question

If I remember correctly once you have purchased EasyWorship you can use the same key to install it onto a new computer.

You have to purchase a Subscription then register EW following these instructions. Make sure that the email address you used to purchase EW is the same one you use to Register it.


i got the same problem, I have Watermark For The reason that I got a computer, and I dowloaded Easyworship 7 For any reason the watermark is ON IT

Can Someone Help Me?

You have to purchase and register it for the watermark to go away. While you can still register EW6 if you already purchased EW6, you can no longer purchase it. You can only purchase the subscription to EW7 at this time.

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