

I'm trying to update my payment method. I keep receiving an error message based on the address for the card.

Can I call and speak to a rep to update my payment method?

Vincent Smith

Holy Trinity Baptist Church.

1 person has this question

Yea. See the bottom of each Support Page for their hours and phone number.

Yes Paid the subscription fee of $21 with a diferent card. Getting a message saying subscrpition failed but EW back office still saying next due amount is March 26 2024 and will not give me a prompt to pay again

HELP PLEASE Need to have EW working for Sunday. Thanks

They can't do anything in these forums due to privacy and security issues. It's doubtful that anything is available to do anything about this until Monday as they are closed on weekends.

We got the same error, I tried MANY times...  waited on the customer care line for over 22 minutes and then was told no one was available and to see the forums and help areas....  

Pastorimmanuelrf, you should go to the SUPPORT page and open a ticket then. There isn't much that can be done in the forums due to privacy and security concerns. 

I have inputted new charge card to make payment. I need confirmation that you  received and payment was made. Thank  you ==Randy Brokaw..

An email receipt would have been sent to the email address on your account. If you don't see it in your inbox, check your spam or junk folder.

Make payment with different card

You can log into your account on our website and update your payment information. Or, you can call or email support and they can help you.

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