trouble shooting

I need to uninstall our easy Worship and reinstall it. Is that possible and if so how?


Stephannie Saulsberry

You can uninstall it from the Programs and Features page in the Windows settings.

Then you can download EasyWorship from our support page on our website to reinstall it. This will not remove any of your data, it will uninstall and reinstall the application only. 

Is there a reason you feel you need to uninstall and reinstall?

One of your techs thought we needed Windows 10 downloaded again, but when we took it in that tech said nothing wrong with our Windows and maybe try to uninstall and reinstall the program.

 You might want to post what specific problem(s) you are having with EW that you believe a reinstall will remedy?

This was an Invalid Class error in Windows where the DXDIAG does not show the correct information for the processor or the bios etc. 

Our developers created a batch file that fixed this Windows error. If anyone has this, please let me know and I will send you the file. 

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