One more...ESV (Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod)

Greetings again!

I'd also like to request that you include the English Standard Version as used by the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.  There are a number of minor differences between the regular ESV and the "Lutheranized" version (mainly sentence structure) and my worshipers don't like it when, as our pericope version is read, they sometimes see things differently on the screens.

Published by Concordia Publishing House in the 1-year or 3-year Lectionaries or The Lutheran Study Bible (ESV).


Thank you! I will add this to our request list. 

Official Name: Lutheran Service Book, 3-year Lectionary Series A, Series B, and Series C (three volumes)

Official Abbreviation: LSB-A, LSB-B, LSB-C

Publisher: Concordia Publishing House

Publisher Website:

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