mp4 videos not playing on 7

can anyone help me. Our church uses a list of videos that are in mp4 form and before they used to play fine on EW now all of a sudden they are not playing. It just shows a black screen when clicking on them. I tried to download the quicktime player and reboot the system and nothing. I dont know what else to do. And we rely on those videos so much on our church does anyone have any ideas?????

ok so, trying again with the website they gave me to convert my videos into (video mp4) form it was able to work again. The only problem is that i have over 500 videos and if you put all of them one time into the website the website crashes . So im doing it 100 at a time…. it takes a while but it did work when putting it into easy worship. this is the website : movavi video converter for anyone wondering . they ask you to buy it but i just used the restriction form.

Using a dedicated Video Renderer such as the FREE Handbrake would be vastly superior to using VLC to re-render or reconvert videos. While VLC can convert videos, it's doesn't do that good of a job and it tends to crash a lot when doing this. 

I would test one of the mp4 files by using VLC media player to reconvert into an MP4 file. I seen some mp4 that won't work unless they have been reconverted. 

Is there any update to this? New to Easyworship 7 and same issue. Mp4 clips dont play, only black screen. Works perfect in powerpoint, Media Player and VLC.

only the video backgrounds supplied by easy worship , work.

BUILD :7.4.19

Running Windows 11 Pro, Core i7, 16gb ram, Geforce GT710

I had the same problem and noticed if I open a saved schedule by right clicking from the Windows10 taskbar the videos do not play. If I open the schedule from the file -> open or the open drop down in EW they play fine. Makes no sense but works...

Movavi is a low quality product that really doesn't do much. You are much better off using the FREE Handbrake software to convert videos. As to what will fix the issue, you have to determine what is actually wrong with the videos in the first place. Quite often it's an issue with Windows 10 not including an X.265 or H.265 codec to be able to play videos encoded in that format. 

I see. So what have you done to fix the issue??? thanks

movavi video.. beware this app has a watermark in all your videos if you dont but it.

Can someone post the website they game him above? I'm having same issues its very embarrassing when the videos do not play. 

thank you 

They should be following up with you to try and narrow down the issue.

they told me to reformat the videos and gave me a website to do it . I did it and still it did not work:( im

The fastest way to get this resolved is to schedule a callback from one of our technicians. Go to and set up a time that's good for you for someone to call you back. They will be able to help you get it fixed.

Let's hope one of EW's actual support team look at this if what I posted previously doesn't help as I have absolutely no first hand experience with any of the 7.3 builds (as I mentioned previously).

i’m sorry i’m new to this is 7.3
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