NEW! Stream Deck Plugin

We have some exciting news for anyone that uses the Stream Deck to control their EasyWorship schedules. We now have a native plugin for the Stream Deck!

This plugin will pair directly with EasyWorship through the Remote button, so you won’t need to configure any buttons. Just pair it and add the actions you want to use to the Stream Deck and you’re good to go.

To install this Beta version and try it out, click HERE.

Please give us any feedback you have.

2 people like this

Definitely looking forward to this one!

it is very amazing but i have a issue that when i run it so Easy worship states a license is required when i try to pair it now. I cant find anything about a license required for this plugin. anyone can tell me what should i do......

Will an API also be released now that we have a stream deck plugin?

Are you on the EasyWorship subscription?

You have to have a current subscription to be able to use the Stream Deck plugin.

Nothing is in the works at this time for an API

Yeah I am thinking to subscribe...

which you would like to prefer to me as noob?

If you are a fan of the streamdeck. There is also a solutiton with 

- Companion

- VICREO-Listener

you can (remote) controle your EW(6) presentation, programm camera settings (IP) and controle lots more. 

Hi, we've got a Streamdeck MK.2. I installed the Elgato software and the Easyworship plugin.

We are running EW with a campus license. 

I can see the EW server show up in the SD software but it won't show up in the EW remote dropdown. so I can't pair the two.

What am I doing wrong?

Hi Jan Willem, i am not sure. But you have to Activate remote control. Same thing with the app. (I think)

Hi Beamer,

Yes I did, otherwise I won't have a dropdown screen with devices. The remote app functions normal.

Hi - I installed the stream deck and the EW plugin today, but when I start up EW and  try to set it up as a remote, its not showing up in the list. Couldn't find anyone with a similar problem in the forums so...


In the image above you need to click on the "OFF " to turn it on. 

Definitely so excited for this one!

when i click that it wants to install bonjour print services for windows for some reason. Even when I do that, nothing happens. I guess I was expecting the Stream Deck to show up in the available devices? The stream deck is configured/working with OBS, etc... 


I'm having the exact same issue.

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