Forum Guidelines

The purpose of this forum is to provide a place for the users of EasyWorship to help each other by building a helpful and positive support community in Christ and to advance His Kingdom.  

Please note that all posts are moderated and will be processed during business hours Monday-Friday 9AM to 6PM CST. You can add posts to the forum asking for or giving advice. Posts should share useful information, whether the information is technical or non-technical, they should help solve problems and help fellow members of the forum. If posts are helpful you can like the post, or if you decide that the post is not helpful, you can un-like it.

We do not allow abusive, objectionable and offensive posts, including trolling and flaming, or name-calling. These may be edited and/or deleted at any time, with or without an explanation. We expect you to “Conduct yourselves honorably...” (1 Peter 2:12)

Our aim is to create a safe community for participation. Below are some guidelines to help maintain a healthy forum.


Use a meaningful "subject" line.

Many people decide whether they want to read a forum message based on the subject line. It’s more useful to say what topic you need help with or indicate a specific issue rather than "help needed."

We may occasionally change the title of a post to make the post more searchable for other forum members.

Keep messages concise.

Shorter posts are more likely to be read. If longer messages are necessary please use paragraphs to break it up for easy reading.

Show appreciation.

If you find a member’s advice helpful, you can show your appreciation by giving a like to the post or by posting "thank you" replies.

Keep posts to the site on topic within threads.

Always try and refer to the first post in a thread and either respond to that post or another post talking about the same subject. Ignore posts that are off topic, as we may remove them anyway to keep the threads on topic and to get the maximum use out of the information on the site. Remember, the goal of the forum is to create a body of knowledge that is helpful in finding information quickly and easily.

Post new threads within relevant forum topics.

We'll move threads that are in the wrong place but we would appreciate your help in keeping them in the correct areas because it makes it easier for other members to find them. If we get enough posts about a new subject, we’ll consider creating a new topic to house them.


Complain or rant.

The community needs to know as much as possible about the question or subject without any emotional attachment.

Spam the site with links to other sites.

This includes sending unsolicited private messages to other members. We do not allow spam advertising of commercial sites by reference or linking. Linking to personal sites in signatures is fine. No linking to or posting of obscene or offensive content whatsoever. If you are unsure, please ask a moderator first. Spammers - please don't waste our time and yours. Spammers will be banned from the forum.

Use offensive or bad language.

Please treat others with respect. This is a friendly forum and all members need to consider this by trying to be constructive when exchanging their views with one another. There is absolutely no need to resort to swearing.

Abuse each other.

Don’t get into personal arguments with other members. Your opinions may differ, but expressing yourself with rational points is the best way to explain your view. Always think about how others would react to your post.

Post personal details.

Please do not post any personal information on the forums, either your own or another user's. This includes email addresses, other contact details and copies of private emails or messages.

Post requests for Tech Support agents to contact you on this forum.

Tech Support agents do monitor the forum as moderators, but it is not the policy of the forum for the moderators to reply to all posts.

If the Forum Administrator encounters a serious breach of the Terms and Conditions of use (You agree not to post any abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening, sexually-orientated or any other material that may violate any laws be it of your country, the country where “EasyWorship Forum” is hosted or International Law. Doing so may lead to you being immediately and permanently banned, with notification of your Internet Service Provider if deemed required by us. The IP addresses of all posts are recorded to aid in enforcing these conditions. You agree that “EasyWorship Forum” have the right to remove, edit, move or close any topic at any time should we see fit. As a user you agree to any information you have entered to being stored in a database. While this information will not be disclosed to any third party without your consent, neither “EasyWorship Community” nor FreshDesk shall be held responsible for any hacking attempt that may lead to the data being compromised,) we have the right to temporarily and or permanently remove such user’s abilities to post.

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