NEW! Stream Deck Plugin

We have some exciting news for anyone that uses the Stream Deck to control their EasyWorship schedules. We now have a native plugin for the Stream Deck!

This plugin will pair directly with EasyWorship through the Remote button, so you won’t need to configure any buttons. Just pair it and add the actions you want to use to the Stream Deck and you’re good to go.

To install this Beta version and try it out, click HERE.

Please give us any feedback you have.

2 people like this

Okay, so I figured out why it wouldn't show up to me. I thought I had EW set to update automatically, but I did not. So, after I downloaded the new version of EW and rebooted my computer, the StreamDeck appeared in the Devices options finally. It all appears to be working (and it's so much better than hotkeys).

Yea, already tried that. :-(


Hi - is the plugin a supported thing? Plugin is installed, Easy Worship is up to date, stream deck is working otherwise, Is there someone from EW who can help? 

You have to have Bonjour installed on the computer for the Remote feature to work. You also need to have Remote turned ON. If you still aren't seeing the Stream Deck showing up under Remote, restart the computer and try again. If it still isn't working, please contact support and they will be able to walk you through it.


Thanks, yes all of those requirements are met. I will contact support as you suggest.

Hello everyone!

More exciting news. Our EasyWorship plug-in for the Stream Deck is now live in their store. There's no need to download it separately.

Just open the Stream Deck software and click to open their store and search for EasyWorship. 

Be sure to install it and give it a 5-star rating if you like it!

Love the EW plugin, my only knock is that in Preview/Live mode, the "Next Schedule" button doesn't advance the preview pane. Any chance this could be remedied?

did you also installed the 'Easy Worship" icon. This comes with the server name 


Your EW software should be active. and remote "ON" it can take some time :-)  . 

The EW button in the stream deck will function like a on/of button

I really like this, but recently ran in to an issue trying to pair the stream deck. Easy worship states a license is required when i try to pair it now. I cant find anything about a license required for this plugin.

Now this looks interesting. Thanks.

Now to start rounding up enough funds to grab a Stream Deck.

Since we have a stream deck plugin now, will there be an API released as well?

So I'm running the new stream deck plus from Elgato. I have remote access Easyworship to the deck (all the buttons light up) but when I test the buttons (eg. Logo, blackout, clear etc) nothing happens. Is there an update needed for this new hardware?
I did not do anything special for this. I run EW7, an the newest elgato software. The streamdeck is plugged into my laptop. The remote in EW7 is switched on. In elgato I can see on the EW7 button the name given in the remote EW7. When I switch this buyten on, I can pair the elgato in the remote settings in EW7. There are two states, remote and a Lock. You have to choose for the remote. Then it should work. Hope this will help.
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