
Combine schedules

 Situation - person one creates a schedule for music

person 2 creates announcements

person 3 creates sermon graphics and scriptures

How can these 3 schedules be combined into one schedule?

Best Answer

Yes. Have all of the schedules available on the projection computer's hard drive. Using Windows Explorer drag and drop each schedule in turn into the schedule area of EW. Adjust the various elements in each schedule as needed then save as a single schedule. 

Thank you Donal, was about to ask the same but you already provided the answer that I need.

My pleasure. Sorry I don't know the answer to your other question. I'm just a user, not an employee. Hopefully on of the EW Support Staff will be along to answer that one.

thank you!


Yes. Have all of the schedules available on the projection computer's hard drive. Using Windows Explorer drag and drop each schedule in turn into the schedule area of EW. Adjust the various elements in each schedule as needed then save as a single schedule. 

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