Bible versions purchased
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You will need to contact orders 918-250-1493 9 AM to 6 PM M-F CST.
I purchased a Bible version in my name thru Paypal but I can't see it in my EasyWorship program. It says I have to purchase it again. What can I do?
All you need to do is register EW on that new computer using the email and password on the EW account. Once it's registered, if you still don't see the bibles, go to More Available under Scriptures tab and you should see a Download button next to the bibles you purchased. If you don't see the Download button next to those bibles, then you don't have EW registered properly. You can go to Help>Register Products and log out and log back in and make sure you connect to the correct organization that includes the bibles you purchased.
Josefina Araniva
I got a new computer and installed the easyworship software. what can I do to get the bible versions that I already purchased reinstall without paying?
thank you,
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