[RESOLVED] Searching Help File Causes EW6 To Crash
4 CommentsSorted by Newest First
1: Every time I click on the "help" tab the help box would appear as it should, then when I type in a subject to search, the little wheel begins spinning and the EW program freezes up. The only way to get back to working is ctrl+alt+delete, which closes the entire EW program. This happened during worship service yesterday, thus losing all screen content. Program was saved so I could bring back up again. This happens almost every time I use the help menu.
2: After logging into CCLI to use "Song Select" I find my song, but I find no link to import the song into schedule. I can copy to text but not schedule. Am I missing the import link?
Also, once the song is imported to the schedule, is it also saved in the song data base?
Both of these errors have been fixed in the update.
New Help download information - [url:ydz56puj]http://forums.easyworship.com/viewtopic.php?f=45&t=13971&p=47426
SongSelect - Click Lyrics tab on website and Import will be activated in EW6.
SongSelect - Click Lyrics tab on website and Import will be activated in EW6.
This morning I can search. What ever it was had 2 computers locked out of the search result function.
The search would actually complete, but when I clicked on the link to the headline or to the "jump to" I got the not "authorised" message.
Anyway, it's working today.
I will call at a later time. Or maybe you can help on the forum. My 2 problems are:
1: Every time I click on the "help" tab the help box would appear as it should, then when I type in a subject to search, the little wheel begins spinning and the EW program freezes up. The only way to get back to working is ctrl+alt+delete, which closes the entire EW program. This happened during worship service yesterday, thus losing all screen content. Program was saved so I could bring back up again. This happens almost every time I use the help menu.
2: After logging into CCLI to use "Song Select" I find my song, but I find no link to import the song into schedule. I can copy to text but not schedule. Am I missing the import link?
Also, once the song is imported to the schedule, is it also saved in the song data base?
The search would actually complete, but when I clicked on the link to the headline or to the "jump to" I got the not "authorised" message.
Anyway, it's working today.
I will call at a later time. Or maybe you can help on the forum. My 2 problems are:
1: Every time I click on the "help" tab the help box would appear as it should, then when I type in a subject to search, the little wheel begins spinning and the EW program freezes up. The only way to get back to working is ctrl+alt+delete, which closes the entire EW program. This happened during worship service yesterday, thus losing all screen content. Program was saved so I could bring back up again. This happens almost every time I use the help menu.
2: After logging into CCLI to use "Song Select" I find my song, but I find no link to import the song into schedule. I can copy to text but not schedule. Am I missing the import link?
Also, once the song is imported to the schedule, is it also saved in the song data base?
I am sorry that you are having a crash with EW 6 1.9 if you contact me by PM or 918-250-1493 we can set up a time to take a look at this issue.
I can search the forum without being logged into the forum. I just searched for PowerPoint and got 231 matches. If you let me know what exactly you were searching for I will test it out as a logged in user and non logged in user of the forum
I can search the forum without being logged into the forum. I just searched for PowerPoint and got 231 matches. If you let me know what exactly you were searching for I will test it out as a logged in user and non logged in user of the forum
Forums Migration
I am signed is as a user under my proper name and password. When I attempt to perform a search within this forum, the search result page always gives this message:
"Information....You are not "authorised" to read this forum."
Even the word "authorised" (authorized) is misspelled.
I have tried this on 2 different computers and get the same message.
If a logged in user is not "authorised" to search, then who is???
[color=#FF0000:36jc3cp4]Edited for content[/color:36jc3cp4]
One reason for the search is because we were having 2 particularly serious issues in this mornings prep for services. I thought if I could search the forum I could get one or both problems resolved. That didn't happen. What did happen was a EW6 (v 1.9) program crash during service. We are seriously weighing our option of reverting back to EW 2007, which truly is EASY. And NO, we will not be upgrading to ver 2.xx until it is test driven for problems not yet discovered.