[v6 General Discussion] Song Slides Not Honoring Master Slide Settings

I have a song which was probably imported from EW2009 way back.

When I go to its Master Slide and make changes to the text location, the slides to do change. For example, if I right justify the text, the slides stay centered. The only way to change it is to change each slide.

Is there some way to make the slides honor the Master Slide settings?

Can you send me one of these songs in a schedule? I would like to play around with it.
Even after doing that, it seems the Text Alignment is not being honored from the Master slide.

Well, after trying left, right then back to center all the slides finally changed.
Even after doing that, it seems the Text Alignment is not being honored from the Master slide.
Okay, but that seems to delete all settings even in the Master slide. If that is the only option, I can deal with it.
In the inspector click on presentation and click revert to global