[v6 General Discussion] Presentation title says "Jump"
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Unfortunately the decision by the developers to use the never used PowerPoint "title" as the Title in EW6 will confound users until they realize nobody cares about the PowerPoint title more than the filename. I would be interested on why someone would use that title and would it be different than the filename.
Note: Slide 1 and PowerPoint Presentation as titles will trigger EW6 to use filename; but not when added to schedule (lack of code reuse.)
Note: Slide 1 and PowerPoint Presentation as titles will trigger EW6 to use filename; but not when added to schedule (lack of code reuse.)
You can change this in Windows Explorer, Properties, Details.
Is anyone out there up to writing a little program to run through a folder and change all the "Titles" to the filename for the Powerpoint files?
Is anyone out there up to writing a little program to run through a folder and change all the "Titles" to the filename for the Powerpoint files?
Note: This following VBS is provided AS-IS with no support implied. As such you're urged to have backups of your PowerPoint files before running this script. I only tested with PowerPoint 2013; however it should work with 2003 and newer. It does require full PowerPoint program.
PowerPoint Title.vbs
[list:1fkujqtr]' Set to your PowerPoint folder
pptFolder = "M:DropboxGRBC FilesAnnouncements"
Set objFSO = CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objPPT = CreateObject( "PowerPoint.Application")
objPPT.Visible = True
pptCnt = 0
pptChg = 0
' Scan files in folder
For Each pptFile In objFSO.GetFolder( pptFolder).Files
[list:1fkujqtr]pptExt = UCase( objFSO.GetExtensionName( pptFile.Name))
' If either file type open in PowerPoint
If pptExt = "PPTX" Or pptEXT = "PPT" Then
[list:1fkujqtr]pptCnt = pptCnt + 1
objPPT.Presentations.Open pptFile
Set objPresentation = objPPT.ActivePresentation
' If title not equal to filename then update title
If objPresentation.BuiltInDocumentProperties( "Title").Value <> objFSO.GetBaseName( pptFile.Name) Then
[list:1fkujqtr]pptChg = pptChg + 1
objPresentation.BuiltInDocumentProperties( "Title").Value = objFSO.GetBaseName( pptFile.Name)
End if[/list:u:1fkujqtr]
' Close PowerPoint presentation
End if[/list:u:1fkujqtr]
' Close PowerPoint program
MsgBox "PowerPoint updates " & pptChg & " of " & pptCnt[/list:u:1fkujqtr]
PowerPoint Title.vbs
[list:1fkujqtr]' Set to your PowerPoint folder
pptFolder = "M:DropboxGRBC FilesAnnouncements"
Set objFSO = CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objPPT = CreateObject( "PowerPoint.Application")
objPPT.Visible = True
pptCnt = 0
pptChg = 0
' Scan files in folder
For Each pptFile In objFSO.GetFolder( pptFolder).Files
[list:1fkujqtr]pptExt = UCase( objFSO.GetExtensionName( pptFile.Name))
' If either file type open in PowerPoint
If pptExt = "PPTX" Or pptEXT = "PPT" Then
[list:1fkujqtr]pptCnt = pptCnt + 1
objPPT.Presentations.Open pptFile
Set objPresentation = objPPT.ActivePresentation
' If title not equal to filename then update title
If objPresentation.BuiltInDocumentProperties( "Title").Value <> objFSO.GetBaseName( pptFile.Name) Then
[list:1fkujqtr]pptChg = pptChg + 1
objPresentation.BuiltInDocumentProperties( "Title").Value = objFSO.GetBaseName( pptFile.Name)
End if[/list:u:1fkujqtr]
' Close PowerPoint presentation
End if[/list:u:1fkujqtr]
' Close PowerPoint program
MsgBox "PowerPoint updates " & pptChg & " of " & pptCnt[/list:u:1fkujqtr]
Thanks. I'll give it a go when I'm not just about to go on holiday!
This work around is Greek to me. Can the Easy Worship programmers please write a fix to use the filename instead of Jump?
I've been asking for that for a while; I spent a few hours researching and testing this tiny Windows Script. The most important line for potential user is second one where path to PowerPoint files is entered. Someone with more programming skills could wrap this in a user-friendly GUI. However like some EW6 features, any new PowerPoints will need to be updated manually either in PowerPoint or this script.
Hopefully today's post from Gabe Harris, Director of Sales and Marketing, will rectify this and render this script unnecessary.
EasyWorship 6 Will Be Easy Again - [url:35qq88bp]http://forums.easyworship.com/viewtopic.php?f=45&t=14084
Hopefully today's post from Gabe Harris, Director of Sales and Marketing, will rectify this and render this script unnecessary.
EasyWorship 6 Will Be Easy Again - [url:35qq88bp]http://forums.easyworship.com/viewtopic.php?f=45&t=14084
Unfortunately the decision by the developers to use the never used PowerPoint "title" as the Title in EW6 will confound users until they realize nobody cares about the PowerPoint title more than the filename. I would be interested on why someone would use that title and would it be different than the filename.
Note: Slide 1 and PowerPoint Presentation as titles will trigger EW6 to use filename; but not when added to schedule (lack of code reuse.)
Danish Powerpoint will name the default title "PowerPoint Præsentation - which isn't picked up at all...
Thank you for your script, which works great. I change this line: [code:21arna1g]pptFolder = "."[/code:21arna1g] - so now i can just distribute it with the Sunday service folder and run it from there.
Hopefully they change this - or at least let us change the default behavior.
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