[v6 General Discussion] [Looping PowerPoint issue RESLOVED]
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Some key rules point for anybody using EasyWorship 6 for an important meeting (these same keys go for any live presentations of any software):
1. TEST and REHEARSE your EasyWorship schedule beforehand, at least 2 days beforehand. Make sure it's all working.
2. Don't make any major changes in the last 24 hours!
I know that other people have similar rules for software demonstrations; I heard that Steve Jobs had a rule where there were no changes to a demonstration's routine a whole WEEK before a big presentation. Once he had a demo of live streaming of video to multiple monitors, and he broke his rule (no changes in the week before the demo) and allowed the staff to upgrade the software because of some cool new feature, and the demo broke mid-presentation and he was very embarrassed.
If I had to put the presentation together two days in advance, then I might just as well do it all in PowerPoint.
The great thing about Easyworship is the ability to do last minute changes. And EW2009 could do that. Actually EW 6 has become quite stable - PowerPoint wise - with the latest builds. The only things missing is
1) Ability to pick up changes from database or external files (like PowerPoint)
2) Ability to import changes or new songs from Schedules it created at home.
Some key rules point for anybody using EasyWorship 6 for an important meeting (these same keys go for any live presentations of any software):
1. TEST and REHEARSE your EasyWorship schedule beforehand, at least 2 days beforehand. Make sure it's all working.
2. Don't make any major changes in the last 24 hours!
I know that other people have similar rules for software demonstrations; I heard that Steve Jobs had a rule where there were no changes to a demonstration's routine a whole WEEK before a big presentation. Once he had a demo of live streaming of video to multiple monitors, and he broke his rule (no changes in the week before the demo) and allowed the staff to upgrade the software because of some cool new feature, and the demo broke mid-presentation and he was very embarrassed.
1. TEST and REHEARSE your EasyWorship schedule beforehand, at least 2 days beforehand. Make sure it's all working.
2. Don't make any major changes in the last 24 hours!
I know that other people have similar rules for software demonstrations; I heard that Steve Jobs had a rule where there were no changes to a demonstration's routine a whole WEEK before a big presentation. Once he had a demo of live streaming of video to multiple monitors, and he broke his rule (no changes in the week before the demo) and allowed the staff to upgrade the software because of some cool new feature, and the demo broke mid-presentation and he was very embarrassed.
THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!! The part that was missing was where at :28 seconds in your demo you clicked on the word Presentation under the INFO tab. I had been clicking on the Slide transition and clicking on loop!
A question for fbcmusicman: what version of PowerPoint are you using?
It seems like I've read that 2013 gives a lot more problems than previous versions.
I have successfully used PP 2010 within EW6, but have not tried the looping feature.
It seems like I've read that 2013 gives a lot more problems than previous versions.
I have successfully used PP 2010 within EW6, but have not tried the looping feature.
Here is a link to a video that I created. https://www.easyworship.com/downloads/HelpVideos/CreatingALoop.swf:1f61beoc]Creating a Loop
Hope this is helpful.
Hope this is helpful.
I saved my PowerPoint slideshow as jpg images and loaded them into EasyWorship in the images section.
Did that!
Next, I created a presentation.
Did that!
Clicked on the inspector button and clicked the loop option.
Did that!
Click on media at the top, selected all of the images I exported from PowerPoint.
Did that!
Drug them into the slides section of the editor.
Did that!
EW created new slides for each image.
It did that! YEAH!
Then I clicked the master slide button at the bottom right of the slides view.
Did that!
Selected the master slide and set the automatic transition for the slides in the inspector.
Did that 10 seconds for each slide!
Clicked the master slide button again to turn off master slide view.
Did that!
Named the presentation and clicked ok.
Did that, named it Pre-Service Announcements
Now I have looping announcements without having to rebuild all of my slides and without having to use PowerPoint to display them.
That is NOT what I got! It got to the end and stopped! IT did not go back to the first slide
Did that!
Next, I created a presentation.
Did that!
Clicked on the inspector button and clicked the loop option.
Did that!
Click on media at the top, selected all of the images I exported from PowerPoint.
Did that!
Drug them into the slides section of the editor.
Did that!
EW created new slides for each image.
It did that! YEAH!
Then I clicked the master slide button at the bottom right of the slides view.
Did that!
Selected the master slide and set the automatic transition for the slides in the inspector.
Did that 10 seconds for each slide!
Clicked the master slide button again to turn off master slide view.
Did that!
Named the presentation and clicked ok.
Did that, named it Pre-Service Announcements
Now I have looping announcements without having to rebuild all of my slides and without having to use PowerPoint to display them.
That is NOT what I got! It got to the end and stopped! IT did not go back to the first slide
Check out the instructions I posted here.
I am not opposed to using the "In-House Presentations" by just putting a picture of each PPT slide on a Presentation slide. I finally got them to change after ten seconds but cannot figure out how to make the WHOLE presentation loop.
We had similar problems with PowerPoint, same morning. Broke down and ran the PPT's from the desktop using F5 ... again!
We have a 2 Meg GTX-650 that otherwise works fine. I personally think PowerPoint will ALWAYS be an issue, especially when EW can't control what Microsoft does next. People with ProPresenter don't seem to have a problem because their program converts PPT's into "slides".
Is it time to think about a converter (Roger?), even an external add-on, that would harness these crazy PowerPoints? Cannot think I'm gonna get our pastor to break the PPT habit anytime soon.
We have a 2 Meg GTX-650 that otherwise works fine. I personally think PowerPoint will ALWAYS be an issue, especially when EW can't control what Microsoft does next. People with ProPresenter don't seem to have a problem because their program converts PPT's into "slides".
Is it time to think about a converter (Roger?), even an external add-on, that would harness these crazy PowerPoints? Cannot think I'm gonna get our pastor to break the PPT habit anytime soon.
All that.......to say this......
I have a brand new Dell XPS 8700 computer running EW6. I think my video card, a NVidia GeForce GTX 745, is inadequate and I have Dell working on that issue (It does not have Surround Technology even though I requested one be installed) I have decided that using PowerPoints during the service is a big waste of time! I would like to use Presentations by placing pictures created from my Announcement Powerpoints and placing them on each slide. Not sure my 2 videos will work properly though....
I have been working all morning on this and for the life of me cannot get the slides to advance after 10 seconds....what am I doing wrong?
All that.......to say this......
I have a brand new Dell XPS 8700 computer running EW6. I think my video card, a NVidia GeForce GTX 745, is inadequate and I have Dell working on that issue (It does not have Surround Technology even though I requested one be installed) I have decided that using PowerPoints during the service is a big waste of time! I would like to use Presentations by placing pictures created from my Announcement Powerpoints and placing them on each slide. Not sure my 2 videos will work properly though....
I have been working all morning on this and for the life of me cannot get the slides to advance after 10 seconds....what am I doing wrong?
15 minutes before the start of services I decided to split the service into two parts, Easter Part-1 and Easter Part-2
During the Easter Part-1 schedule, PowerPoint b. would not behave at all. (Each slide was set to advance on a mouse click) it wound up being a total disaster. I was three slides into my announcements when the first slide finally came up. At times the mouse pointer would totally disappear. The Easter Musical Video would drop to slow-motion and then "catch-up" all the while not effecting the soundtrack. (
After the song part of the service I went back to the sound booth and I switched between the two schedules after the pastor read the scripture by freeze framing our Switcher/Scaler so that everyone in the audience wouldn't detect an issue.
After the Invitation we played the Egg Hunt video and it did the same thing the Easter Musical Video did....slowed down and then it would speed up with no effect to the song that was playing in the video.
I made a quick decision to forgo using the Reprise video and had my Pianist and Keyboard player accompany the choir.
I have never in my life been so relieved that a service was over!
To be continued
15 minutes before the start of services I decided to split the service into two parts, Easter Part-1 and Easter Part-2
During the Easter Part-1 schedule, PowerPoint b. would not behave at all. (Each slide was set to advance on a mouse click) it wound up being a total disaster. I was three slides into my announcements when the first slide finally came up. At times the mouse pointer would totally disappear. The Easter Musical Video would drop to slow-motion and then "catch-up" all the while not effecting the soundtrack. (
After the song part of the service I went back to the sound booth and I switched between the two schedules after the pastor read the scripture by freeze framing our Switcher/Scaler so that everyone in the audience wouldn't detect an issue.
After the Invitation we played the Egg Hunt video and it did the same thing the Easter Musical Video did....slowed down and then it would speed up with no effect to the song that was playing in the video.
I made a quick decision to forgo using the Reprise video and had my Pianist and Keyboard player accompany the choir.
I have never in my life been so relieved that a service was over!
To be continued
Forums Migration
2 Power Point Files
a. Announcements that scroll before our service begins (28 slides and 2 embeded videos that are 15 secs each - 73.9MB)
b. Announcements that I give verbally with a visual to that announcement (8 Slides-5.29MB)
2 Video Media
a. 26 minute Easter Musical Video-2.21GB
b. 3:45 minute last song reprise to be played after the invitation
22 Verses of Scripture 1 Corinthians 15:1-22
1 Invitational Song
Everything worked great.....UNTIL...I was asked to include a 3rd video that was created to show our Wednesday Egg Hunt which was 436MB and 5:14 minutes long. I had to close EW6 down three times and I rebooted the computer twice. That did not help my situation at all. To be contined.......