Best Practices for EasyWorship File Sharing on Network Server or NAS
Good comments, Bill Pritchard.
The network database can be open and edited simultaneously by different computers across the network. However, schedules can only be open in one location at a time. If someone has it open and someone else tries to open it, you will get a message that it's already in use.
@Pauluskerk Gouda, even though Dropbox may be working for you, the way it updates its files when multiple people use it, it will eventually corrupt the database unless absolutely only one person accesses it at a time and it updates online and locally before anyone else accesses it.
If 2 people access it at one time or before it updates, which update will it use? It will create conflicting files and then they won't match with the rest of the database and corrupt it. I hope you are backing it up while it's still working just in case something like this happens.
We currently simply use Dropbox as a central shared drive.
Every user configures his/her EW application to the shared database-folder in Dropbox (which is available as a local-map on the PC).
Works just fine for us.
I am now considering migrating to One-Drive.
Regards, Martijn
Bill Pritchard
The goal is to allow several people contribute to content of a schedule for Sunday by adding to the database; and adding recorded media, scriptures, and other slides to the shared schedule. After being bitten a few times trying to have the EasyWorship database and profiles on a network file share, it would be helpful to have others contribute their best practices. The does and don'ts of multiple access file sharing would be very helpful. Here is what I've learned previously: