Video & Audio stuttering when playing videos in ew 7

Hi. I am trying to set-up a laptop for our church summer club but when I play an H.264 .mov video through EasyWorship 7, the video and audio stutter and the CPU usage maxes out at 100% The videos play perfectly in Media Player or PowerPoint

The laptop is a Dell Inspiron i7-7500U CPU, AMD R7 M440 GPU, 8GB Ram and SSD. I did a clean install of Windows 10 but this hasn't helped.

I read a post here suggesting I install QuickTime and I tried this without success (even though the QT site indicated that it wasn't needed

I read another post where EW asked for DxDiag so I have attached this.

I'm running EW

Any advice would be much appreciated

(103 KB)

Your biggest problem is that your computer doesn't come even close to even the minimum hardware specs to run EW, let alone the recommended specs, especially the Graphics capability. You can try setting the Power Plan to High Performance to see if that helps. Also try to use videos that are 720p or lower and have a lower BitRate. A lot of video makers use excessively high bitrates which cause problems for lower spec systems. EW runs primarily off of the Graphics engine in the computer so it requires a more powerful Graphics solution to function that just a video player. PowerPoint runs off of the CPU so that wouldn't be as affected.

Also, make sure that you are plugging in the laptops power brick so it is running on Mains power. Most laptops can't achieve full performance when running on battery power.

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