Work at home / Appear at church

Is it possible to work remotely (at home and logged into our church EasyWorship acct.) and have everything automatically on our EasyWorship at church come Sunday morning?  I live many miles from our church and I am not always able to go to the church during the week in order to set up schedules, prepare new songs and presentations.

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Two ways to accomplish this. One is by having the Church Computer turned on and them using Remote Desktop Software to log into the Church computer from home. This isn't something that I would recommend as it leaves the Church computer open to anyone to gain access to. 

Way two is the recommended way to accomplish this. Use the Transfer tool to copy the EW Profile from the Church computer to an external drive then open it on your home computer to create the schedules, When it's finished export it to a flash drive, take it to the Church. open it on that computer, use the Check Schedule for Changes to copy any new songs, images, presentations, Power Points, Videos, etc. to the Church computers profile. 

  1. Once EasyWorship is open, click the little gear icon in the top-right corner of the schedule column.
  2. In the drop-down, click on Check Schedule for Changes.
  3. Click the Import button at the bottom of the window.
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