error when importing a new file, either photo or video

When importing a file, (r-mouse click) I got a yellow mark. So it seems that the file is not imported in the database or

the profile cannot recognize it. When I import the file direct into the database however. the yellow mark is gone and it works one

What to do

If you click on HELP//ABOUT EASYWORSHIP let me know what build number, you are running. 

Hello Terry

Thanks for your swift reply. Build number is Version 7. 

I sent you a ticket to your email with the steps to fix this. 

I have also pasted them below

Hi !

I would like to you to navigate to this path C:\Users\Public\Documents\Softouch\Easyworship\Default\v6.1\Databases and make a copy of the data folder or send a copy to a zipped folder. 

Then open the data folder and then delete the 2 media files.  Then restart EW and it will give you an error message about needing to fix the data. Then let me know if you still have the issue. 

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