New Revised Standard Version, Catholic Edition is the translation used in Catholic Masses every day around the US, Canada and in other English-speaking countries. It is a modern translation that includes the deuterocanonical books. You can find it here:
Please make this translation available to use with EasyWorship. Thank you for your kind consideration.
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Vincent Leitao
about 1 year ago
can this NRSV CE bible could be added as plug-in in easy worship 7, so that we can download a catholic version as we already purchased a NRSV copy and without some chapter like Sirach, Book of Wisdom, etc we find it difficulty to project these book.
MOG Community
New Revised Standard Version, Catholic Edition is the translation used in Catholic Masses every day around the US, Canada and in other English-speaking countries. It is a modern translation that includes the deuterocanonical books. You can find it here:
Please make this translation available to use with EasyWorship. Thank you for your kind consideration.
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