Error Message

I get the following message every time I start EasyWorship:

Error executing SQL "BEGIN IMMEDIATE:" : attempt to write a readonly database.

I have not done anything before the message appears. It will often appear multiple times

It is probably an issue with one of the Databases in your Profile.

Please contact the EW Support team by calling +1-918-250-1493, or you can schedule a callback by going to

They will most likely need to remote into the computer to take a look at the database issue you are experiencing.

Do you know if your database is on the local drive or if it is saved on a cloud drive?

Everything is local. This is a new computer, so basically a fresh start.

Which build number of EW 7 are you running? I have seen this with an older build of EW 7. 

I'm in the process of transferring our EasyWorship databases to a new (replacement) computer and get this error message when first starting up. Have there been any further results in the last 12 months? I'm running EW

Incidentally the same error message popped up when I clicked on "Help" to get the version number. :(

Nigel, it would be best for you to contact support directly about this issue. or you can email them at [email protected]

Thanks Dan, appreciated.

I'm also getting this issue on a new build with a new installation of

I'm interested to know what resolved the issue previously so I could try this.

Ok, so i think there was an issue because I tried to import my old database called Default to the new computer which it didn't seem to like and renamed the new one Default_1 and corrupted the Default database.

So here's what I noticed and what I did to resolve this issue:

1. Uninstall EasyWorship 7. This doesn't seem to uninstall all information so I also needed to:

2. Delete C:\Users\Public\Documents\Softouch

3. Delete C:\ProgramData\Softouch

4. Reinstall EasyWorship 7.

5. Run the import tool again.

6. Open Easyworship and setup license.

7. No more database conflicts and the old database is there. Phew. Just before the service started.

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