Dear All

Hope everyone on here are well. 

Thank you very much for the previous advise, unfortunately, my old pc didn't turn on again I have try everything I could, Any other help to transfer EasyWorship Profile from the old pc to the new pc? will be greatly appreciated but please the old pc isn't turn on. 

Thank you house

1 Comment

You'll probably need to remove the hard drive from the old computer and connect it to the new computer to recover the information on it. https://www.wikihow.com/Recover-Data-from-the-Hard-Drive-of-a-Dead-Laptop

That is fairly simple with a desktop as you can normally do that with a simple #2 Phillips screwdriver. For the most part they all open up in a similar and easy fashion. You might need to do an internet search for specifics for your case.

It can be a lot more difficult with a laptop as they tend to use smaller screws (#1 or #0 Phillips screwdrivers that aren't as common). Some tend to provide access to the drives rather easily while some require an extensive disassembly process to access the drive. You would need to do an internet search for you specific make and model of laptop for specific information to do that.

Your EW Profile that contains the information is normally found in "C:\Users\Public\Documents\Softouch\Easyworship\". Copy the "Default" folder to the new computer and place it in the same "C:\Users\Public\Documents\Softouch\Easyworship\" folder found there.

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