[v6 General Discussion] Powerpoint locked up EW6!

This has happened on two services now : - (
Initially able to display a Powerpoint presentation without issues. Later in the service try to show it again. Won't go live. Then progressively things get worse. Next can't toggle the logo screen. Then can't do anything. Can't quit EW6 - locked solid. CTRL ALT Del to get out. Reload EW 6 - still won't go live. Have to do a full reboot of the PC to get it to work. Other elements of the schedule work OK - songs, images (not sure about videos - didn't have one in this schedule).

We have recently updated to Windows 10 Founders Edition - dunno is that's significant. Latest version of Powerpoint from Office 2016

Hello Terry
as stated, we're on Windows 10 Founders Edition.

Partly as a result of these issues we've decided to bite the bullet and upgrade to EW7.
Will that upgrade overcome these issues or do I still need to take action?

Hi John!

There are a lot of things that could cause this issue. I have pasted a lot of them below. If none of these work let me know.

Make sure PowerPoint is set to Use Current Resolution.

If using Viewer, disable display scaling on PPTVIEW.exe

If using Windows 7 you need to use an Aero theme

Run Quick Repair of Office and reboot the computer.
Check and make sure both ezwHookpp.32.exe and ezwHookpp.64.exe files are in C:\Program Files (x86)\Softouch\EasyWorship 6, if not, then make sure exclusions are added in antivirus software and re-install EW to create new hook files. Also run another Quick Repair of Office.

In Antivirus program, set exclusions for the following:

Make sure there are not multiple versions of Office installed. If so, uninstall the version you are not using.
In the Data folder, rename the following and then re-open EW:
Complete uninstall of Office. Run CCleaner. Then reinstall Office.