[v6 General Discussion] Problems with accentuation - AA Bible
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I have forwarded the information to the developers and they will take a loot at it.
Dear Terry,
Several users in Brazil are complaining about the accentuation problems in several verses of the AA Portuguese bible.
I have already forwarded several messages and so far have not been solved.
We will continue to wait for the solution. Thank you very much
I have forwarded the information to the developers and they will take a loot at it.
Forums Migration
We make use of some bibles, among them the AA (PT-BR). However we have been living with problems in some words. For example: Psalms 93: 3 - Os rios levantaram, "às" Senhor, os rios levantaram o seu ruído, os rios levantam o seu fragor. Where it has the expression "as", the correct one is "oh". How to solve this, since there are several verses?