[v6 General Discussion] Printer Settings


I went to the menu to print out the schedule file (either the summary or detailed view) and the for the first time in a while hit the print button rather than saving to PDF.

In the print menu you can select your printers like normal and choose the pages to print. However the print pages setting only has two options:
[*:oxn4setl]Pages From-To[/*:m:oxn4setl][/list:u:oxn4setl]

In pretty much every other program in Windows you can print a manually defined range. Print pages 1,3,5-12.

In EasyWorship how do you print specific pages?

(Image stolen from Google)

You would use the Pages area where it says from: and to:. You would type in from: 3 to: 3 if you only wanted to print page 3.
[attachment=0:1pkrhb28]Screenshot 2017-07-10 14.32.55.png[/attachment:1pkrhb28]
You would use the Pages area where it says from: and to:. You would type in from: 3 to: 3 if you only wanted to print page 3.

Hi Rodger,

How do you skip a page though? Using the 1,3,5-12 classic example from Microsoft this is what you get in Word:
[attachment=0:3mhbmcxd]Microft Word.PNG[/attachment:3mhbmcxd]

But in EasyWorship you can only do one single continuous range?
Thanks for the feedback. I've submitted a feature request to add more functionality to the print range area.