[v6 General Discussion] EW6 has a mind of it's own

We use EW6 with W10. While we had many issues with PPT after first upgrading from 2009, I have to say that EW6 has been working great for some time now. However, this past week when we were checking the schedule for Sunday's service, we noticed that some of the slides from one presentation were inserting themselves into other presentations. For instance, picture slides from a mission trip presentation added in themselves into our call to worship presentation. It seemed to be happening with all of the presentations. Also, some presentations that had been saved to the schedule were no longer there. This is a new issue for us. Any ideas? We primarily use PPT for our presentations.
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Test out the new beta and see if you still have the issue.
http://forums.easyworship.com/viewtopic.php?f=68&t=15442&:35h9t82q]New Beta 6.7.2