[v6 General Discussion] Alert sound when importing PowerPoint

In EW6 I go to import a PowerPoint. After browsing to select the PowerPoint file there's the pause of a few seconds, before the thumbnails then appear and the file has successfully been imported. However during pause whilst the import process takes place, I noticed that a windows sound was played. It was the sound for the windows program event 'asterisk' - the one that you usually get with an information message box. However no message box was displayed by EW.
The asterisk sound happened for every PowerPoint I imported. Although after the sound and the pause of the import process taking place, the PowerPoint had imported absolutely fine!

Anyone else noticed this?

I only noticed this today by having the speakers on, so can't say for how long the issue has existed...

OS: Windows 10 Pro (64 bit)
PowerPoint: 16.0.7070.2033 (32bit)
EW: Version 6 build 4.8
1 Comment

Hi Edward,

So I did some testing for this issue and noticed that it only happens if you are using the PowerPoint Viewer instead of the full PowerPoint Application. EasyWorship 6 does not support the PowerPoint Viewer and there is a message stating so when you enable the option to use the Viewer. At this point I would highly recommend using the full PowerPoint application instead of the Viewer, or to disable your Windows theme sounds to not get that alert sound.