[v6 General Discussion] Cannot open schedule file. The file is currently blocked....

Trying to open file and receive error message:
"Cannot open schedule file. The file is currently locked by another computer."

I'm not sure how this could be considering I am opening the same file from the same computer, logged in as the same user.

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If you have not already done so the first thing I would do is just restart the computer and try it again.
If you have not already done so the first thing I would do is just restart the computer and try it again.

Yes, this was already done and reopening was attempted. I had to recreate the service (which took over 10 minutes) and save it under a different name to make things work. Really unfortunate.
Do you still have the old schedule? If so I would like to take a look at it. You can create a ticket on the support portal and attach the file to it.
I would except clicking the link in your footer to 'Create Ticket' leads to an error:


No route found for "GET /support/tickets/new"
You can submit your ticket here.
This used to happen to me when I had our schedule saved in Google Drive, and tried to open the file anytime it wasn't done syncing to the cloud.