[v6 General Discussion] Imported video icon is grey & will not play

When I import a video into media resources the icon is grey & I am unable to play it.

Yesterday with our countdown mpg file I got around this problem by using an old schedule. I deleted all items except countdown video & renamed it.
Today it plays. Wonderful it fixed itself!
Has it jumped into the resource database from the schedule? That would be good for new or edited songs.

But I imported another video & it is grey & will not play. Why?

I notice 2 other videos have yellow triangle with exclamation mark -one plays, the other doesn't Why?
1 Comment

Usually if it is gray and has the exclamation point it means that the video had been moved or deleted. If you opened a saved schedule then it will have the media packed in it unless you un-checked the "pack files in schedule" box.