[v6 General Discussion] [Bug, verfied]Foldback Next Item Font Size

I have set the font size for the Next Item, but some songs make the text very small. Is this a bug or is there some per song setting?

Or perhaps it is attempting to size it for the longest first line of the song? If that is the case, it does not seem to work properly. I have a song making this text very small and it is nowhere near filling up the entire width.

In fact, it seems all my songs are displaying the next line very small. However, the NEXT SONG size is correct.
I don't remember this in earlier versions; different computers same Foldback size 640x480.

Couple of months ago (28 pt, margins 5)

Today (36 pt, margins 0)
I'm also experiencing this same problem. The Next Item font size in not what I set it to in the Foldback Options.

In Options when I click the "Preview Output" it shows the correct font size. When I turn preview back off the font size changes.
Same problem here. Wasn't a problem until I updated the program.
I was able to replicate this as well and have reported it as a bug. Thanks.
Same for me, as well. Seems to be from the last update.
Just wanted to add. Is there a way that we could make the foldback text go 1 line down if needed? At this stage the top line disappears behind the clock as I also have it in the top right corner. This is also displayed a few posts up in the picture.
I hope when alerts are added this will be taken care of. Though PowerPoint slides are scaled to fit between clock and next lines.