[v6 General Discussion] Changing Themes on the fly

After spending almost an hour "tweaking" every song (changing words, removing verses, adding choruses) in my schedule for our evangelist, I wanted to change the background (theme). It would only change the first slide of each song. The rest of the slides kept the previous theme (last weeks) and would not change, not even when I went to each slide and tried to edit it in the schedule. It made for a pretty wild first Revival service with the first slide correct and the remaining slides incorrect for each song. Surely this is a bug and needs to be fixed. The only way I could get the song to display correctly was to delete it from the schedule and then placing it back into the schedule. That would not have been a big issue had it not been that EVERY song the evangelist used was tweaked in some sort or fashion.

Create theme and apply to songs.


Edit song, use Inspector to set Slide Background and apply to theme.

I have created a screenshot of my issue but do not know how to post it.
I use imgur ([url:2wbknvf1]http://imgur.com/) to host my screenshots. You can use any site that allows images to be referenced by URL.
GRBC...Thank you for helping me learn how to post a screenshot.

While waiting for your response I experimented and learned that if you want to change your theme on the fly you have to:
1. Right mouse click on the title slide in the schedule
2. Choose Edit Item,
3. Click on the Theme box, a box will open showing a couple of Theme choices with a check by the current Theme
4. You must select More themes, a box will open showing all your Theme choices.
5. Double-click the theme you want to change to,
6. Select OK and all slides will change to new Theme.

My problem was choosing the selection available in the drop-down box after clicking Theme.
You should be able to drag a theme from the themes tab onto the song in the schedule too.