[v6 General Discussion] 6.1.7/6.1.8 Scripture now broken

The scripture feature has been broken for the past two installments; 6.1.8 did not seem to fix this problem. You cannot add multiple scriptures because the text box will not allow you to insert more than two characters at the verse level. The program also crashes when you go to add a single verse to the schedule. I am getting very disgusted with the time I waste trying to make this version work every week and now scripture does not work. At this point, this version is useless to us and we had to switch back to 2009. This is not the only problem- most of the problems we have been having have already been mentioned elsewhere on the support forums.

Do we have a time line on when the developers plan to resolve these issues so that we can actually use the "upgrade" that we have already paid for?
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To to themes, select scripture on the left.
Right click on a a theme and click set as scripture theme.
When searching scriptures, make sure you have not sorted the scripture area by translation.
You will only be able to search by translation if you do that.
Click the reference header at the top of scriptures and see how it behaves.