[v6 General Discussion] Easy Worship 6 Installation


My church bought 2 licenses of Easy Worship 6 and I need to install them on several computers. Do I need to register the software on each computer using my username and password? Can I have each users register with their own user ID so I don't need to distribute my username and password?



When you login to your account online go to organizations and then invite a user by entering in their email address. They will then have to create a web account which they can use to register the software.
I do not see a mechanism to invite people to my organization in the My Account -> Organizations settings. We just upgraded to EW 6 and our volunteers who prefer to prepare for services offline will need accounts associated with our organization. Some one else at our church created the organization. Perhaps they are the admin account and only the can invite people?

Thanks for any guidance.
That is most likely the issue. You would need to be an admin on the account.
Terry - Is there a way to have more than one administrator on a church's account? Currently our pastor is the administrator but needs me (the worship leader) to actually do the admin stuff on our account. Can he give me admin priviledges?
Hi ,

I'm creating a ticket for you so that our account dept can help you out with this.