PowerPoint Doesn't Import (Avast)

Modified on: Fri, 20 Nov, 2020 at 11:42 AM


In some cases, the Avast virus scanner and other virus scanners can block EasyWorship from copying the PowerPoint file to the resources area of EasyWorship. You'll need to remove the Presentations folder from the protected folders list in Avast or other virus scanner.


Follow these steps to resolve the issue:


  1. Close EasyWorship.
  2. Open the Avast interface. 
  3. Click on Protection on the left, then Ransomware Shield.
  4. Click the trash can on Presentations and any other EasyWorship related folder. 
  5. This will remove the folders from the Protected Folders list. 
  6. Open EasyWorship and try to import a PowerPoint into EasyWorship. 

If this does not resolve your issue, please contact EasyWorship Support.

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