
Song editor

 Hi, I am a new EasyWorship user, so this may be a dumb question.  I have a song that has a long Chorus that requires several slides.  I need multiple copies of the Chorus to insert between the Verses, I cannot figure out how to copy and paste the complete Chorus each time.

Best Answer

I highlight the entire set of chorus slides (incloude the Chorus label) then press Control C to copy them.

Go to the end of the last line of the verse just before where you want the chorus slide set to go (e.g. end of verse 2) and press Control Enter.

This will give you a new blank text block.

There are two lines - one says Label land the second says Song.

If you picked up the the label (Verse/Chorus) as well as the song text, put your cursor on the label line and press Control V to paste the entire chorus set.

If you only picked up the Words, put your cursor in the SONG line and paste the text.

Thank You, that works!

Thanks, it's very helpful for me


I highlight the entire set of chorus slides (incloude the Chorus label) then press Control C to copy them.

Go to the end of the last line of the verse just before where you want the chorus slide set to go (e.g. end of verse 2) and press Control Enter.

This will give you a new blank text block.

There are two lines - one says Label land the second says Song.

If you picked up the the label (Verse/Chorus) as well as the song text, put your cursor on the label line and press Control V to paste the entire chorus set.

If you only picked up the Words, put your cursor in the SONG line and paste the text.

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