
Serbian Bible

Serbian Bible (Serbian)

Bible League International

An Easy-to-Read version of the Serbian Bible has been published for free in EasyWorship. Can you download and see if that Bible is working for you, please?

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publisher contacted 5/14

Sure, I will be able to try it on Saturday because it's only then I can be in church.

I will give to you a feedback as soon as I download it and instal it.

Sorry, I can't find where that Bible has been published. Do you mean in the Software itself or on the website? Because I can only have access to the church computer on Saturday and Sunday,

Hi David, it is available both on the site and in the software.

Hello. Is the Serbian Bible available for easy worship?

Not at this time. I am moving this Bible to Not Taken as the Publisher has not responded to our requests.

is there anything that I can do to help? I really need that Bible for my church :D

You are welcome to reach out to the Publisher and see if they want to work with us but I actually found that another Serbian Bible is potentially about to become available.

It is an easy-to-read version of the Bible in Serbian from the Bible League International.

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